User Stories

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Scope
  4. User Stories
  1. Acceptance Criteria
  2. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  3. Appendix
  4. Approval


This document provides the user stories for the project aimed at building an automated testing system using MAD AI's cAItalyst AI-as-a-Service product. It captures user requirements in a simple format to guide the development of the system.


The purpose of this document is to define user stories that detail the requirements for designing an automated testing system. This system will allow clients to feed test cases into it, which will then be executed by cAItalyst to perform any clients' testing for a project.


The scope of this document covers the design and implementation of an automated testing system using MAD AI's cAItalyst AI-as-a-Service product. It includes the front-end interface for clients and the backend processing managed by cAItalyst.

User Stories

User Story 1: Test Case Submission

  • As a: Client
  • I want to: Submit test cases through a front-end interface
  • So that: cAItalyst can execute the test cases automatically


Clients need a user-friendly interface to submit their test cases. This will enable them to initiate testing without any manual intervention in the backend.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The front-end interface must accept test cases in various formats (e.g., JSON, XML).
  • Clients should be able to upload test cases individually or in bulk.
  • The system must validate the format and content of the test cases before submission.


  • Consider integrating a drag-and-drop feature for test case uploads.

User Story 2: Test Execution Status

  • As a: Client
  • I want to: View the status of test case execution
  • So that: I can monitor the progress of the testing process


Clients need real-time updates on the status of their test cases, including whether they are pending, in progress, or completed.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system must display the current status of each test case.
  • Notifications should be sent to clients when the status changes.
  • The interface should provide a summary view and detailed view of test case statuses.


  • Implement notifications via email and an in-app notification system.

User Story 3: Test Results Reporting

  • As a: Client
  • I want to: Receive detailed test results
  • So that: I can analyze the outcomes and make informed decisions


Clients require detailed reports on the test outcomes, including any errors or issues identified during testing.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system must generate detailed reports for each test case.
  • Reports should include information on passed, failed, and skipped tests.
  • Clients should be able to download the reports in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, Excel).


  • Consider adding visualization tools (e.g., charts, graphs) to enhance the report's readability.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system must handle multiple clients and test cases concurrently.
  • The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly.
  • The backend processing should be efficient and scalable.
  • Data privacy and security must be ensured at all stages.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • cAItalyst: AI-as-a-Service product by MAD AI.
  • UI: User Interface.
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence.


Include any additional information or documents relevant to the User Stories document.


  • Prepared by: Mike Meier
  • Email:
  • Date: 01/10/2025
  • Approved by: [Approver's Name]
  • Date: [Approval Date]
Document Link:
Build automated testing User Stories
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