User Stories

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Scope
  4. User Stories
  1. Acceptance Criteria
  2. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  3. Appendix
  4. Approval


This document outlines the user stories for the project "Implement 2FA Phil." The objective is to incorporate two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance security.


The purpose of this document is to capture the user requirements for implementing 2FA in a simple and understandable format. These user stories will serve as a reference for the development and testing teams to ensure the successful implementation of 2FA.


The scope of this document covers the requirements for implementing 2FA for users of the Phil system.

User Stories

User Story 1: Enable 2FA

  • As a: User
  • I want to: Enable 2FA for my account
  • So that: I can add an extra layer of security to my login process


Users should be able to enable 2FA from their account settings. They should have the option to choose between different methods such as SMS, email, or authenticator apps.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users can access the 2FA settings from their account settings page.
  • Users can choose between SMS, email, or authenticator apps.
  • Users receive a confirmation message after successfully enabling 2FA.


  • Consider user experience and ease of use when designing the 2FA enablement process.

User Story 2: 2FA Authentication

  • As a: User
  • I want to: Be prompted for a 2FA code after entering my username and password
  • So that: I can verify my identity using a second factor


After entering their username and password, users should be prompted to enter a 2FA code sent to their chosen method (SMS, email, or authenticator app).

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users are prompted for a 2FA code after entering their username and password.
  • Users receive the 2FA code via their chosen method.
  • Users can successfully log in after entering the correct 2FA code.


  • Ensure that the 2FA code is time-bound and expires after a certain period.

User Story 3: 2FA Recovery

  • As a: User
  • I want to: Recover access to my account if I lose my 2FA device
  • So that: I can regain access without compromising security


Users should have a recovery process in case they lose access to their 2FA device. This could involve backup codes, email verification, or contacting support.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users can generate and save backup codes when enabling 2FA.
  • Users can use backup codes to regain access if they lose their 2FA device.
  • Users can contact support for account recovery if needed.


  • Backup codes should be secure and only accessible to the user.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The implementation must support enabling, using, and recovering 2FA.
  • The system should be user-friendly and secure.
  • Adequate documentation and user guides should be provided.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • 2FA: Two-Factor Authentication
  • SMS: Short Message Service


Include any additional information or documents relevant to the User Stories document.


  • Prepared by: Mike Meier
  • Email:
  • Date: 01/16/2025
  • Approved by: [Approver's Name]
  • Date: [Approval Date]
Document Link:
Implement 2FA Phil User Stories
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