User Stories

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Scope
  4. User Stories
  5. Acceptance Criteria
  6. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  7. Appendix
  8. Approval


This document captures the user stories for the Mobile Banking App project. It is intended to provide a clear understanding of the user requirements and facilitate the development of a mobile banking application.


The purpose of this document is to outline the user stories required to create a mobile banking application that allows customers to access their bank accounts and perform transactions securely from their mobile phones.


The scope of this document includes user stories related to the development of a mobile banking app that provides access to various types of bank accounts and products, with functionality equivalent to the bank's online website.

User Stories

User Story 1: Account Overview

  • As a: Customer
  • I want to: View all my bank accounts in one place
  • So that: I can easily see my balances and recent transactions


The mobile banking app should provide a consolidated view of all customer accounts, including checking, savings, money markets, CDs, IRAs, mortgages, home loans, personal loans, credit cards, and any other type of product the bank may offer.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Display a list of all customer accounts
  • Show current balance for each account
  • Show recent transactions for each account



User Story 2: Secure Login

  • As a: Customer
  • I want to: Log in to the mobile banking app securely
  • So that: I can access my account information without unauthorized access


The mobile banking app should implement secure login mechanisms using the latest industry standards, such as biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition) and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Acceptance Criteria

  • Implement biometric authentication
  • Implement multi-factor authentication
  • Encrypt user credentials and session data



User Story 3: Welcome Message

  • As a: Customer
  • I want to: Be greeted with a pleasant jingle and a personalized welcome message when I open the app
  • So that: I feel welcomed and valued by the bank


When a customer opens the mobile banking app, they should be greeted with a pleasant jingle and a personalized welcome message that includes their name.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Play a pleasant jingle when the app is opened
  • Display a welcome message with the customer's name (e.g., "Welcome John")



User Story 4: Account Transactions

  • As a: Customer
  • I want to: View and search my account transactions
  • So that: I can track my spending and manage my finances


The mobile banking app should allow customers to view and search their account transactions, including details such as date, amount, and description.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Display a list of account transactions
  • Allow customers to search transactions by date range, amount, and description
  • Show transaction details (date, amount, description)



User Story 5: Funds Transfer

  • As a: Customer
  • I want to: Transfer funds between my accounts
  • So that: I can manage my money effectively


The mobile banking app should allow customers to transfer funds between their accounts, including checking, savings, and other eligible accounts.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Allow customers to select source and destination accounts
  • Allow customers to enter transfer amount
  • Provide confirmation of successful transfer



User Story 6: Mobile Deposit

  • As a: Customer
  • I want to: Deposit checks using my mobile phone
  • So that: I do not need to visit a bank branch to deposit checks


The mobile banking app should allow customers to deposit checks by taking photos of the front and back of the check using their mobile phone.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Allow customers to capture images of the check front and back
  • Validate image quality and check details
  • Provide confirmation of successful deposit



Acceptance Criteria

  • The app must be secure with the latest industry standard offerings
  • The app must include functionality equivalent to the bank's online website
  • The app must be completed and go-live by New Years Day, 2025
  • The app must greet customers with a pleasant jingle and a personalized welcome message

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • CD: Certificate of Deposit
  • IRA: Individual Retirement Account
  • MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication


Include any additional information or documents relevant to the User Stories document.


  • Prepared by: Bob Frapples
  • Email:
  • Date: 12/19/2024
  • Approved by: [Approver's Name]
  • Date: [Approval Date]
Document Link:
Mobile Banking App User Stories
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