User Stories

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Scope
  4. User Stories
  1. Acceptance Criteria
  2. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  3. Appendix
  4. Approval


This document outlines the user stories for Project Genesis, which aims to address the problem of creating personalized follow-up emails that are not canned or templated.


The purpose of this document is to capture the user requirements for Project Genesis in a simple and understandable format, ensuring personalized follow-up emails that foster better engagement with recipients.


This document pertains to the development of a system for Project Genesis that generates personalized follow-up emails based on specific user requirements.

User Stories

User Story 1: Access Recipient Information

  • As a: Sales Representative
  • I want to: Access the recipient's name and contact information
  • So that: I can personalize the follow-up email accordingly


The system should allow the sales representative to easily retrieve the recipient's name and contact information from the database to ensure the email is personalized.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system retrieves and displays the recipient's name.
  • The system retrieves and displays the recipient's contact information.


Ensure the information is accurate and up to date.

User Story 2: Understand Company Background

  • As a: Sales Representative
  • I want to: Know what the recipient's company does
  • So that: I can tailor the follow-up email to align with the company’s needs and operations


The system should provide an overview of the recipient's company, including its industry, products/services, and any relevant news or updates.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system provides a summary of the company's operations.
  • The system includes relevant news or updates about the company.


Information should be concise and relevant.

User Story 3: Track Prior Interactions

  • As a: Sales Representative
  • I want to: Access records of any prior interactions with the company
  • So that: I can reference past communications and maintain continuity in the follow-up email


The system should maintain a log of all previous interactions with the company, including emails, phone calls, and meetings.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system logs and displays previous interactions.
  • The system allows easy navigation through past records.


Interaction history should be easily accessible and searchable.

User Story 4: Consultative Sales Approach

  • As a: Sales Representative
  • I want to: Use a consultative approach in the sales process
  • So that: I can provide personalized and valuable recommendations to the recipient


The system should support a consultative sales approach by providing tools and insights that help the sales representative offer tailored solutions.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system provides tools for consultative selling.
  • The system offers insights based on the recipient's needs and company background.


Training on using consultative tools may be required.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system must retrieve and display recipient information accurately.
  • The system must provide an overview of the recipient's company.
  • The system must log and display previous interactions.
  • The system must support a consultative sales approach with relevant tools and insights.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • Consultative Sales Approach: A selling method that focuses on creating value and trust with the prospect by understanding their needs and offering tailored solutions.
  • Recipient: The individual receiving the follow-up email.


Include any additional information or documents relevant to the User Stories document.


Document Link:
Project Genesis User Stories
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